Yoga Teacher Training Agreement

Yoga Teacher Training Agreement: Key Considerations for Yoga Teachers and Studios

If you are a yoga teacher or studio owner planning to offer yoga teacher training, it is important to have a comprehensive agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the program. A well-drafted yoga teacher training agreement not only protects both parties` interests but also serves as a valuable tool for establishing a clear and transparent relationship.

In this article, we will discuss some key considerations that should be included in a yoga teacher training agreement to ensure that all parties are on the same page.

Program Outline and Schedule

The yoga teacher training agreement should clearly outline the program`s curriculum and schedule, including the number of training hours, the course content, and the start and end dates. This will help students understand the program`s scope and what they can expect to learn during the training. It will also help instructors manage their time and resources effectively.

Payment and Refund Policy

The agreement should specify the total cost of the program and the payment schedule. It should also include a refund policy that outlines the circumstances under which students are eligible for a refund and the amount that will be returned. It is essential to have a clear refund policy in place to avoid misunderstandings and disputes.

Attendance and Certification Requirements

The agreement should clarify the attendance requirements for the training program and the consequences of missing classes. It should also specify the criteria for certification, including the minimum attendance, performance, and completion of all assignments. This will help students understand the expectations and motivate them to complete the program successfully.

Intellectual Property Rights

The yoga teacher training agreement should clarify the ownership and use of the program`s intellectual property, such as manuals, videos, and other instructional materials. It should also outline the terms under which students can use and share the materials and the consequences of unauthorized use.

Liability and Indemnity

The agreement should clarify the liability and indemnity clauses to protect both the studio and the students from legal claims and liabilities. It should specify the extent of the studio`s liability and the student`s responsibility to follow the program`s guidelines and instructions.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

The yoga teacher training agreement should include provisions for confidentiality and non-disclosure to protect the studio`s trade secrets, proprietary information, and intellectual property. It should also specify the consequences of breaching these provisions and the remedies available to the studio.


A well-drafted yoga teacher training agreement is a vital document that establishes clear and transparent communication between the studio and the students. It helps to manage expectations, avoid misunderstandings and disputes, and protect the interests of all parties involved. By including the key considerations discussed in this article, you can create a comprehensive agreement that sets the foundation for a successful and rewarding yoga teacher training program.

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